Hiab Brandroom
- Hiab Corporate
- Media
- Brand room
Welcome to Hiab Brand room
Here you will find explanations, guidelines and rules for Hiab visual branding. We cover basics and finer points regarding logotypes, images, icons, text and other graphic elements for both digital and printed media, as well as vehicles, clothing and other materials.
The guidelines should be applied to all Hiab and product brand communication.
Read more in our Visual Identity Guide
See below access to our different templates, such as brochure, flyer, advertisment and roll up.
All different types and versions of our product brands are available.
The Logotypes
Our logotypes consist of the elephant symbol and the respective brand name. Horisontal and vertical versions.
Hiab brochure template
For brochures dealing with our product brands, the relevant equipment and/or application should naturally be in focus. The Black Box on the back cover is standard for all brochures and bears Hiab’s official statement
Flyer template
Flyer layouts are flexible and can be adapted according to the amount and type of information they contain. Use the Black Box for brand recognition, highlighting the headline and – if necessary – introduction.
Technical & Manual template
The layout of our manuals and other technical communication differs from that used in the rest of our brochures. This creates a clear distinction between promotional and informational materials.
Newsletters / e-mail campaigns
Our newsletters and e-mail campaigns are distributed digitally and follow the basic layout shown here.
Poster & Roll up templates
Our roll-ups and posters are designed to attract attention, with a large photo of high quality as their primary element. Text should be limited in these formats.
Poster in different sizes:
Roll up:
Advert templates
The elements in our advertising can be flexibly combined to suit different sizes, orientations and content. No matter what the format, the goal is to create a striking visual impression.
Digital advert template
The same advertising principles apply in both print and digital
media. Visual impact is crucial in both cases.
Social Media
When using images on social media, follow the same principles as with other channels. Use high-quality photos and the Hiab Black Box as central elements. Regarding text on image ads, a good guideline is to never cover more than 20% of the image with text.
Image dimensions
Standard recommended dimensions for Facebook images are primarily 1080 x 1080 pixels for Facebook, though 1200 x 628 is also acceptable. Dimensions for Facebook Stories are 1080 x 1920.
Standard image dimensions for LinkedIn ads are 1080 x 1080 pixels, though 1200 x 628 is also acceptable.
Business card template
Business card QR template
Envelope template
Icons and Feature symbols
Find below links to download different versions of our common product icons, feature symbols etc.
Product icons:
Service & Digital offering symbols
Media Gallery
Find selections of photos to be used for the different brands and applications