Employees First


Hiab’s journey to become an Employees First company began in the spring of 2019 , when a project initiative was taken to look deeper into the experiences of our employees at work. Based on the project outcomes we gained a better understanding of what factors our employees think lead to a good work experience. As we believe that an enjoyable work experience is crucial in order for people to feel motivated and engaged, we decided to make Employees First one of the major themes in our strategy.

When creating the definition of an Employees First culture it has been important to understand what Employees First means to our people. Therefore, we have involved employees working in different countries and roles to help us define what an Employees First culture is. With the help of our people we have been able to create a vision and understanding of what an Employees First culture looks like, what kind of behaviors are expected from each of us and what we need to do to reach our goal.

To make Employees First more concrete we have created a 3E approach that defines what every employee should experience at work every day:

  • Easiness - Enabled to do a great job
  • Empowerment - Confident to make the right decisions
  • Excellence - Motivated to constantly improve

You can read more about Employees First here

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@2025 Hiab Corporation