WALTCO documents

Original parts pricing

Below are the links for the US Parts Price List and the Canada Parts Price List. If you would like assistance in locating the correct part for your liftgate, feel free to call the liftgate parts and service hotline at (800) 411-5685, or email parts@waltco.com or parts.sales.waltco@hiab.com.

Waltco Liftgate Manuals and Documents

Historic manuals

The following manuals include many liftgates that have been discontinued or are obsolete. Please be aware of this as you navigate through these manuals.

If you need immediate assistance, please call into the office at (800) 211-3074Here, you will find the retired and outdated manuals. You can search through Model Numbers for liftgates purchased prior to June 2009, or Model Name for liftgates purchased after June 2009.

1090-Series & MD-Series (Models 102-106, 111, 112)1290-Series/1291-Series (Models 301/302)C-Series (Models 221/222)DS-Series & DA-Series (Models 441-447) (Call parts department)DT-Series (Models 461-463) (Call parts department)E-Series/E-RM Series (Models 262/263)EM-Series/EMTC-Series (Models 264/265)EZL-Series (Models 235/236)F-Series & FW-Series (Models 202-204, 207, 208, 207R, 208R)FSL-Series (Models 211/212/213/214/215)GT-Series & DGS-Series (Models 275-278, DGS=90435)K-Series (Models 121/122)LD-Series (Model 130)LPF-Series (Models 225/226, 275-278)MDL & MDLBG-Series (Models 430-436)MDR-Series (All types, Models 330, 331, 335, 336, 390, 391, 390C, 391-C, 395-399, 395-C, 396-C)MPF-Series (Models 233/234)P-Series (Model 140)PTN & PTBG-Series (Models 450, 451, 454, 455) (Call parts department)RGL/RBGL-Series 1 & 2 (Models 352-356, 363, 364, 372-376, 382-386)RZ-Series, BZ-Series, & WZ-Series (Level-Lift) (Models 142-148, 154-155, 165-168)SB-Series (Models 455/456)SL20-Series (Model 232)WDL (All Types, Models 311-316, 311U-316U, 318, 319-1, 319-2, 320-326, 321U-326U, 401-412)WDV & WDVBG-Series (Models 423-428)WSL-Series (Models 273/274)
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